Still in Kohima, Nagaland , NE India . Still no mobile roaming and internet café closes early at 6pm – so unable to check emails daily. On 5 Dec, I will fly to Kolkata and then fly to Goa on 6 Dec.
The Hornbill Festival of Nagaland is an amazing event, somewhat like the Tsechu I attended in Bhutan last year. Over the last few days, I have been watching Nagaland's 16 tribes performing tribal dances, mock headhunting performances, mock battles, traditional games and dramas, in their colourful costumes and headdresses, although they were half naked half the time. Kohima is located on the highlands and the changes of temperature is quite drastic, from 10'C at night to 28'C at noon . I will be uploading photos of this festival onto after this email. So do check them out.
People are also very friendly and polite, and don't usually try to cheat tourists, unlike the case in many parts of India . The Nagas are Mongoloid like us, and everyone here thought I am one of them. They tend to be medium to tall, have sharper features than Chinese, and a fairly large proportion of the people I see on the streets are lean-built. Saw few fat people. Maybe the DNA of a mountain tribal people. Definitely, all the tribal warrior performers I saw at the Festival look hunky and fit, with tight muscular build. An attractive and masculine race.
I ate pork for the first time in one month. You can also find fresh dog meat and all sorts of insects deemed edible by the Nagas in the market!
The Nagas do not consider themselves Indian at all. Most people I met felt that their independence was stolen from them by the British and then unfairly given to the Indians. I saw a Naga reprimanding a British at my hotel for this historical event that occurred in 1947. What is obvious to me that the Nagas are very Southeast/East Asian, in terms of food and culture. They even love Korean movies. I was told that they could relate more to the Koreans than the Indians. So you find more Korean DVDs at the shops than Bollywood.
By the way, your blog and tour report is cool....