In Shiraz; Isfahan tomorrow

Still in Shiraz. Visited the monumental ruins of Persepolis, capital of the ancient Persian civilisation today. Taking 8 hour bus to Isfahan tomorrow.

Iran is wonderful! The best country I have visited in the last one year - and perhaps among my top 3 countries. Iranians are perhaps the most hospitable and kindest people I have ever met. All the travellers I met agree on this. The sights are spectacular and everything is cheap here. I have also met many interesting travellers, including one who have been to almost 150 "real" countries excluding dependencies, and a British Oxford-graduate corporate finance lawyer of Indian descent with whom I did sightseeing together in Yazd and Shiraz.

The latter speaks many languages very fluently, including English, Hindi, Mandarin (spent 1 year learning Chinese in China!), Russian, German, French, Gujarati, etc. For this trip to Iran, he spent one week learning Farsi himself and he spoke with the locals most fluently. I am very impressed!

I have lots of exciting things to say but have little time to write. Will say more in coming days.
