In Turks & Caicos Islands

Have arrived in Providenciales, Turks & Caicos. Alex, my host (who is a Romanian engineer based here), is away and his friend and fellow Romanian, Paul, picked me up at the airport instead. Drove me to Alex's house where I am now. The island is huge and looks deserted except for scattered luxury resorts and low bushes. We drove through "Downtown" and I didn't even realise it as there were too few buildings! Saw the beaches - fine white sand...amazing! I will be here till Monday, when I fly to Jamaica.

Good thing is the islands is British and English-speaking! The population is black and most of the workers are either Haitian, Dominicans or Philipino.

Received a few sms from friends who say I appeared on TV. That short was filmed the week before I left Singapore.

My mobile is supposed to roam here but doesn't.
